Friday, March 23, 2012

Got a Hi Score at the Vancouver Scrabble(r) Tournament!


I got a Hi Score in my Division in the 2012 Vancouver Scrabble Tournament!

If it seems like old news to anyone who happens to be following my exploits, that's because it is pretty old news: it happened 19 days ago. If the organizers hadn't been nice enough to mail me my prize, I wouldn't have known it at all.

The story of my tournament was, in a word, bi-polar.

I know I was a sour-grapes-y on the 2nd day of the tourney, a big reason being I'd had my first O-fer (zero wins)day in my Scrabble tourney career. It happens, but losing does kinda suck.
This in contrast to day 1 when I only lost 1 game, and that a close one.
Kudos to Murray Weber who tied with me for the prize. Funny, we're both usually quite defensive players I think.
 Inline image 1

The late news
This post marks the debut of an idea I'm floating. I'm starting a website called The Late News, basically my commentary on news in various states of past-ness. (ie I don't think any of my Scrabble buddies are still talking about this tourney). I'm trying to spin my chronic lateness into some semblance of order, so better late reporting than never. Right? Anyway, part of my personality is to process things mentally before putting my stuff out there. Sometimes it's not a great way to go. But sometimes it is. Hence the tagline on this blog I've set up: News, After Thought.

Some stories I'm developing:
  • my thoughts on the latest season of The Bachelor (yeah, late, I know, eh?...)
  • quickie review of that Introvert book
  • quickie review of that Thinking Fast & Slow book
  • old movie review of The Truman Show
I'd LOVE for you to suggest other late news you'd like written up... I'm willing to reach back pretty far!

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