Friday, October 12, 2012

(creative @dobronski waxes poetic on) Brevity

CD Doug Brown's one-sentence post about brevity
I've now exceeded his length by one sentence (edited out a picture though) but I'll leave it at that bc we could likely all use a bit of a breather heading into the weekend...

Sunday, October 07, 2012

My birthday: an occasion for all to give thanks


My birthday's a national holiday.
At least it is this year.
And the year I was born.
My birthday's a Monday this year and when that happens, it's Thanksgiving Monday in Canada.

I'm not sure if this happy coincidence has magically made me more thankful.
What I feel in my current season, which is far from problem-free, is still an almost inexplicable appreciation and love for life. 
In general, I'd think most of us like appreciativeness in people.
Genuine gratitude seems to imbue life and positive energy.

A common Thanksgiving question is "What are you thankful for?".
While is a nice question to consider, I propose two variations on the question to refine our Thanksgiving, based on how my own gratitude is shifting: