Welcome to Alpha Canada's Christmas page!
The stories collected here at this time in 2010 remind us of how God is good, all the time.
Each life here was touched by Jesus through the Alpha experience.
Check back soon for more stories!Alpha intro by Shaila
Claude (English)
Claude (en français)
Jessica & Steve
A Prayer by Pastor Tim MacIntosh
Can you believe it's December already? Three days in already too.
As much as I think I'm getting better at keeping deadlines in front of me and prioritizing, I still find it shocking that occasions seem to creep up on me and surprise me. I believe it's partly that I do some advance planning, shelve stuff but shelve it too long. Case in point: this Christmas story collection for Alpha Canada was on the drawing board for a while, but was still this week's mad scramble for me here as Communications Director for Alpha Ministries Canada.
That said, it's been a great first few months here and the team here helps me stay on task. Hence we got this web page done within a reasonably acceptable timeframe.
I must give props to everyone who shared these stories here: Patsy, Brian, Rebecca, Wendy, Claude, Jessica & Steve, Jasdeep, Missie, Marco, my boss Shaila and Pastor Tim MacIntosh.
Also, my colleagues Bill "BillBo" Bonikowsky, Alayne Campbell, Claudia Leopold, and all the testimony referrers... we honestly could not have done this without the whole team here.
What a week.
Busy spreading some good news.
Not a bad way to be.