Saturday, April 26, 2008

Drew Marshall on 100 Huntley Street
The YouTube clip is something Rev. Bob Swann showed Heather at work yesterday.I didn't get a chance to sit with them and watch all of it, but I did this morning.  If Bob blogged I'm sure he'd post this. There are days (probably most of them) when I believe more of us as Christians should be like this (the guy on the right). I'm gonna have to check out his show some time... Part 2 should pop up if you play through. Can somebody tell me if it doesn't? Please?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Maybe I can Design and/or Art Direct...
I did an ad for the WestEnder. For those of you in town, it'll be in this Thursday's issue. It's also on our church homepage. I hope it turns out okay, apparently there were some little technical glitches.

It's amazing with the creative process... especially my own personal creative process... and especially my own personal creative process as pertains to design... I feel like I can be very hit-and-miss, then some days it really works, and it really works more quickly than I think it would, and I tell myself "...that came out of me?!". Not that this was an epiphany of that calibre (ironically, I don't know if I sense a strong copywriter presence here), but it felt like a nice little ad. I have to tip a very large hat to bittbox.

Since doing this, I got compliments on the design from two people who do this sort of thing for a living, one being David Yu, my old AD partner at Harfield (and he'd tell me straight up if it wasn't so...). Ta, I blush... (I don't even know exactly what "ta" means but somebody semi-famous wrote in it an email to me once and it was just so British-ish cute!)