Friday, November 30, 2012

the end of a #Mo era.


My pretty-close-to-full moustache Mo-Mo, fruit of my month-long #Movember efforts, was posted yesterday on my Movember page.
Thanks to everyone for your support: monetary, in spirit, and otherwise.

Hats off to my brother Hin for:

  • setting up our Mo Tang Clan team & prodding me to get involved
  • likely topping our team's donations race
  • growing a pretty good #HulkHogan for Movember this year
  • not only not quitting when we had our grandma's memorial on Nov 22, but working his Mo tactfully into his speech (he impressed our Mom. And that's tough)

I'd post an After but it should be pretty close to that Day 1 picture on my Mo page.
(for you last-minute-ers, there's still a day to give to the cause!).