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NASPA Cross-Table: Vancouver, BC, CAN, August 27-28, 2011
Vancouver, BC, CAN August 27-28, 2011 Rating Rank Name W–L Spread Old
+/−Round-by-Round Results 1 James
Leong12–2 +1153 1967
+24 W24490257 W6514262 L10384390 W14430361 W3409392 W21427355 W22550280 W2383359 W8412346 W13430410 W18432410 L3368560 W3532413 W35023152 Mark
Schellenberg10–4 +1137 1763
+13 W28508305 W21532283 W11571382 W4383355 L22437444 W13461324 W14416351 L1359383 W7383364 L3404462 L3336421 W5445302 W6422357 W55112983 Chris
Williams10–4 +565 1804
+18 W27373306 W23397316 W12402395 L13460494 L1392409 W22451304 W16453376 W10490370 W18462374 W2462404 W2421336 W1560368 L1413532 L13155024 Chris
Tallman9–5 +246 1544
+18 W16431288 W26388353 L7345561 L2355383 W6481286 L8316454 L10308441 W11445345 W19390350 L15365436 W21427318 W14424352 W17424309 W74053825 Lam
Tang9–5 +153 1585
+10 W9406398 L22346355 W17503390 L20355382 L7344434 W27405328 W11449348 W12360277 W16435372 W8485361 W17377326 L2302445 W7369354 L22985116 Ted
Bryde9–5 +37 1261
+81 W10532379 L1262514 W24371316 W7437320 L4286481 L14301412 W12420338 W21397341 L17382404 W22434360 W13383365 W17410333 L2357422 W103773277 Dean
Saldanha8–6 +688 1897
−43 W26427321 L16357421 W4561345 L6320437 W5434344 W18349332 W21515318 L13299387 L2364383 W10557387 W15491374 W8420319 L5354369 L43824058 Dielle
Saldanha8–6 +444 1835
−43 W25492331 L19337387 L13361475 W23496277 W27366324 W4454316 W17445262 W14421330 L1346412 L5361485 W24459333 L7319420 L10420490 W143683599 Kim
Proulx8–6 +130 1331 L5398406 L17287428 L22308444 W24396281 L25376435 W23450345 L26323347 W19384342 W28392381 W18425339 W14382326 L10350359 W15357324 W1543237310 Kevin
Lee8–6 +37 1582
+2 L6379532 W24363320 W1390384 L18342422 W21442364 W15523299 W4441308 L3370490 L14391420 L7387557 W16413337 W9359350 W8490420 L632737711 Dion
Saldanha8–6 −69 1303
+12 L21371390 W28429306 L2382571 W16377351 L17326386 W12367359 L5348449 L4345445 L15327356 W26366353 W20391345 W19455330 W13471415 W1737934712 Reuvena
Ross7–7 +232 1304
−29 L23358370 W27445281 L3395402 W22463335 L15313358 L11359367 L6338420 L5277360 W25385356 L21369413 W28423355 W24404392 W26416344 W1944940913 Murray
Weber7–7 +172 1536
−11 W19437400 W25440341 W8475361 W3494460 L14409414 L2324461 L18308458 W7387299 W22376315 L1410430 L6365383 L15329337 L11415471 W2041027714 Gabriel
Wong7–7 +105 1516
−2 W15416386 W20370310 W18400361 L1361430 W13414409 W6412301 L2351416 L8330421 W10420391 L17334356 L9326382 L4352424 W21484269 L835936815 Jordan
Campbell7–7 −138 1179
+36 L14386416 W18407374 L20297357 L17395437 W12358313 L10299523 W27444384 W26496315 W11356327 W4436365 L7374491 W13337329 L9324357 L937343216 Stuart
Craig7–7 −152 1258
+8 L4288431 W7421357 W26420403 L11351377 W19405372 W20436353 L3376453 L17315322 L5372435 W20348332 L10337413 L23342353 W24361343 W2134932917 Ryan
Burgess7–7 −258 1267
+21 L22350358 W9428287 L5390503 W15437395 W11386326 W19387360 L8262445 W16322315 W6404382 W14356334 L5326377 L6333410 L4309424 L1134737918 Jesse
Matthews6–8 +552 1813
−90 W20411364 L15374407 L14361400 W10422342 W23544276 L7332349 W13458308 L22379384 L3374462 L9339425 L1410432 L27434447 W28474327 W2352035719 Tony
Verma6–8 +90 1185
−8 L13400437 W8387337 W25459346 L21312569 L16372405 L17360387 W20403347 L9342384 L4350390 W27400268 W22468307 L11330455 W23462283 L1240944920 Bill
Kinsella6–8 −218 964
+30 L18364411 L14310370 W15357297 W5382355 L26351385 L16353436 L19347403 W28346328 W23374345 L16332348 L11345391 W25427315 W27316305 L1327741021 Yukari
Balabanov6–8 −430 1103
+29 W11390371 L2283532 W28425317 W19569312 L10364442 L1355427 L7318515 L6341397 W26409338 W12413369 L4318427 W22393326 L14269484 L1632934922 Mark
Stedman6–8 −586 1063
+59 W17358350 W5355346 W9444308 L12335463 W2444437 L3304451 L1280550 W18384379 L13315376 L6360434 L19307468 L21326393 L25443451 W2741124623 Jennifer
Nip6–8 −833 1160
−5 W12370358 L3316397 L27312412 L8277496 L18276544 L9345450 W28405331 W24399367 L20345374 W28398309 W25422329 W16353342 L19283462 L1835752024 Lilia
Murnane5–9 −372 1011
−3 L1257490 L10320363 L6316371 L9281396 W28388348 W26393377 L25337396 L23367399 W27351327 W25494338 L8333459 L12392404 L16343361 W2639430925 Sunshine
Gudlaugson5–9 −741 969
−12 L8331492 L13341440 L19346459 L26341359 W9435376 W28350329 W24396337 L27269399 L12356385 L24338494 L23329422 L20315427 W22451443 W2835132826 Marilyn
Batchelor4–10 −495 985
−25 L7321427 L4353388 L16403420 W25359341 W20385351 L24377393 W9347323 L15315496 L21338409 L11353366 W27364331 L28346354 L12344416 L2430939427 Julia
Szwet4–10 −501 903
−2 L3306373 L12281445 W23412312 W28379348 L8324366 L5328405 L15384444 W25399269 L24327351 L19268400 L26331364 W18447434 L20305316 L2224641128 Vern
Giesbrecht1–13 −948 769
−46 L2305508 L11306429 L21317425 L27348379 L24348388 L25329350 L23331405 L20328346 L9381392 L23309398 L12355423 W26354346 L18327474 L25328351
This is an overly complex diagram to show my 5th place standing in the BC Scrabble Championships this past weekend in Steveston/Richmond, BC. Thanks to James, Jesse, Kevin, Nick & probably Chris W too for everything you did to make things happen, and sorry I bailed early: was late for supper plans with my babies!
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