Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Oh yeah, I'm married!

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Zoiks: my first blog entry as a married guy is about bad behaviour.
Just behind on a bunch of "breather" activities. It feels like we hit the ground running on many things when we got back.

So THIS is the first one about specifically BEING MARRIED.
On this blog I can only speak for me, although I believe Dana echoes similar sentiments: marriage came highly recommended to me. Any time anything gets rave reviews, I get a little leery, actually. So far, though, living with Dana has been really really cool, way cooler than I'd imagined it could, would, even should be. I could go into more detail, but I think I've milked my lunchhour overmuch as it stands already... A quick thank you to everyone who's advised me/us already on the big adventure of getting married to each other.
[way more thank yous are on their way]

How behind am I? As far as I know, my cousins Angel & Derek were the first to get me some Media to see from our wedding.
It's taken me till just now to open it up.
Here's the video they posted. Angel's voice is in the background. Derek is taking pics in the background.
Up front:
flowergirl Sarah (Dana's niece)
ringbearer Griffin (my nephew)
maid of honour Karen (Dana's sister)

Enjoy this little tease (aww who'm I kidding, the photos are out there already, aren't they?...)!

Posted via email from ThatGuyLam's posterousizing

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