Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why God didn't make you more beautiful than you are (!)

Why God Didn't Make You More Beautiful Than You Are by Stackhouse, Dr. John  
Download now or listen on posterous
Why God didn't make you more beautiful than you are.mp3 (6203 KB)

Dr. John Stackhouse is perhaps the funniest preachuhman I evuh did hee-ah.
Quote me on that on your blog, Dr. Stackhouse, please please please do!

This mp3 also has me reading Scripture.
I volunteered.
They used the take where I slipped up.
...also available at www.FirstBC.org/sermons
I told my fiancée Dana it's my speaker crush, and now she mentions it to me almost daily.
Rest assured, Dr. Stackhouse, I refer to you as Stax in conversation, but that's as far as it goes! If there's a tent out in the bushes outside your house, that is not me.

Posted via email from Lam's posterous

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