Monday, December 20, 2010
Our tree for our first Christmas in our place
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Uplifting artwork of Freedom, Love & Justice. ~from a former inmate.
If this artwork touches you at all, please please click on the link above to see the whole story published on's not too long!
If you are even more pressed for time, though: artist Ray took Alpha & hosted a Bible Study while in prison. This piece won 3rd prize for sketches in a worldwide contest sponsored by Prison Fellowship International for inmates and ex-offenders. This was in association with PFI's quadrennial convocation in 2007 attended by over 1,000 prison ministry delegates from 128+ countries. The next PFI Convocation will be in late June 2011. Ray is now living happily with his family in Cornwall, ON living crime-free and intends to be a role model for his children.
Friday, December 03, 2010
December goodness...
Welcome to Alpha Canada's Christmas page!
The stories collected here at this time in 2010 remind us of how God is good, all the time.
Each life here was touched by Jesus through the Alpha experience.
Check back soon for more stories!Alpha intro by Shaila
Claude (English)
Claude (en français)
Jessica & Steve
A Prayer by Pastor Tim MacIntosh
Can you believe it's December already? Three days in already too.
As much as I think I'm getting better at keeping deadlines in front of me and prioritizing, I still find it shocking that occasions seem to creep up on me and surprise me. I believe it's partly that I do some advance planning, shelve stuff but shelve it too long. Case in point: this Christmas story collection for Alpha Canada was on the drawing board for a while, but was still this week's mad scramble for me here as Communications Director for Alpha Ministries Canada.
That said, it's been a great first few months here and the team here helps me stay on task. Hence we got this web page done within a reasonably acceptable timeframe.
I must give props to everyone who shared these stories here: Patsy, Brian, Rebecca, Wendy, Claude, Jessica & Steve, Jasdeep, Missie, Marco, my boss Shaila and Pastor Tim MacIntosh.
Also, my colleagues Bill "BillBo" Bonikowsky, Alayne Campbell, Claudia Leopold, and all the testimony referrers... we honestly could not have done this without the whole team here.
What a week.
Busy spreading some good news.
Not a bad way to be.
Monday, November 01, 2010
a whole new level of scary?
Saw a few headlines this morning that were still referencing Hallowe'en. It felt so yesterday.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
the things that come up cleaning out the desk(top on the computer)
This is my last day at First Baptist Church Vancouver as Communications dude.
And the attached is something I was playing around with (that I also forgot to back up in any other way).
The blog is kinda handy for this sort of thing.
They didn't let me make this the poster for this Grace Chan concert.
I'm not sure why... (kidding...)
Friday, July 23, 2010
posterousfolio: crazy talk
This piece was the fruit of a community working together on it:
Darrell, Darrell's assistant Carolyn Vanderheide, and my old Art Director partner David Yu.
Getting a bit nostalgic in my last week here, hoping our upcoming church "seasons" can be as well voiced.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Another favourite
Another PDF from the favourite file, from the July 11 Service (it just surfaced).
I may look back on these with nostalgia now that I'm closing in on my last days at First Baptist.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cleveland icon Harvey Pekar dies
The Splendo(u)r has died.
Hopefully this post will link back to the article from Cleveland NewsRadio.
This is the guy from the movie ( and comicbook American Splendor.
I have the DVD if anyone wants to borrow. I consider the role of Paul Giamatti's life.
I'm a bit choked up.
And slightly weirded out: story reported on my wife's birthday, and Harvey has the same birthday as me.
Monday, June 21, 2010
I've accepted the role as Director of Communications for Alpha Canada.
I'd like to thank God, my Mom... oh gosh there are too many of you...
Looking forward to coordinating some communications for something that is in itself a communications movement.
Plus everyone I met in the office in Richmond seemed fun when I met them.
I hope they weren't pretending.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
pictures for my mother-in-law
following my blog, you are likely not keen on seeing this one, it's
just the handiest way for me to post photos for my mother-in-law to
use. Not to say you can't enjoy these in your own way, though.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Actually, there's a decent chance you WILL smell me later...
Lookit what the guy handing out the Metro at Burrard & Robson gave me as well: a year's supply of cologne! (at the rate I go. Seriously, those who know me, when have I ever smelled like I use this stuff. And honestly, do you think I should. Break it to me gently, folks...).
I hope to make an official announcement here, probably Monday.
If I don't get to it and you're anxious about it, drop me a quickie line...
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
selection from the Favourite File™
I've kept a file at church that I called My Favourite File.
It was handed down to me.
It may in fact be the best handing-down of something we've done in the church's office environment.
Anyway, this is a recent sample of what we've kept.
It recently dawned on me that the Blog was a good way to post this without expressly encouraging this kind of behaviour.
If I get around to it, stay tuned for more!
And let me know if you want to see more.
Or if you DON'T.
Monday, April 26, 2010
lookee here...
I do wonder whether this is one of those uses of blog that gets one in trouble. Maybe.
However, here goes: I have this in my office now. Those who can figure out what this means MAY start to request use of it. But you don't have to. Really.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
PosterousFolio: aaaahhh in 60 seconds
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
PosterousFolio: ...or is it "whomever"...?
Prince coming to town was front page news for Regina.
PosterousFolio: wish this product worked this well
PosterousFolio: something nice to read in case you're bored at the bar
PosterousFolio: to the Max
PosterousFolio: fast (but not too fast) food
PosterousFolio: a crazy good truck
Honda was in a position, I think, to have ideas for trucks and put them into a truck, for real.
PosterousFolio: hey, doesn't that cloud look like...?
PosterousFolio: separation anxiety
PosterousFolio: the Canadian game
Download now or listen on posterous
PosterousFolio: Don't worry, Ma...
We shot these in a real frat house in Toronto.
PosterousFolio: shown smaller than actual size
This ad was bigger in print. Unless you're looking at this on a really really big screen.
PosterousFolio: Don't worry, Ma...
We shot these in a real frat house in Toronto.
PosterousFolio: that Synching feeling
Is it "sync" or "synch"? Seems like it's missing something without the "h".
PosterousFolio: Giantology
PosterousFolio: good ol' wholesome commercials
Posterousfolio: that subtle Manitoba humour
Part of a longstanding campaign with MTS (Manitoba Telecom) featuring Gerry & Carl pontificating, doing stuff, and being bison. We worked on this campaign in Vancouver, ironically. We had some good times with Gerry & Carl.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Barbara Mouse Stories : Family Trip (1st picture)
Barbara Mouse Stories : Family Trip
The order may have changed in posting, please note the number/title of the image!