Friday, April 01, 2011

on truth in the Bible. - John Stackhouse, FBC Vancouver Sermons

Slowly coming to the realization about sermons at my church, that they ring truest out of anything I've experienced ever in my life in church. The truth they're ringing also happen to be the most accessible to people who don't go to church. Those keeping track may recognize this intro from my last post: it actually applies better to this post.

Dr. Stackhouse, or Stax as Dana & I refer to him in our home, is one of the neatest theologians ever (Dana also refers to Stax as one of my speaker crushes, and I do not deny). I may be reading into the situation, but I suspect this is a message he'd love for lots of people to hear as a "before you go any further" message: if you are ever inclined to use scripture and say "this is true", or if you wonder about what Christians mean (or could or should mean) when they say "this is true".

A little ironic that this post is up on April Fool's Day.
But barely. And after noon.

Posted via email from ThatGuyLam's posterousizing

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Darrell preaches on Romans 8. - FBC Vancouver Sermons

Slowly coming to the realization about sermons at my church, that they ring truest out of anything I've experienced ever in my life in church. The truth they're ringing also happen to be the most accessible to people who don't go to church. That said, this one's more for church people, addressing a great chunk of the Bible, but a chunk that's commonly misconstrued.

This one speaks to the current moment in life, personally and work-wise: as I'm in the thick of our first months as parents, the National Director of Alpha Canada & my employer, Shaila, is in her first weeks of a long treatment road for cryptococcal meningitis. Huh?!, you say? That's what we're all saying too. This sermon might help with some perspective.

Posted via email from ThatGuyLam's posterousizing