Friday, June 19, 2009

1943. What a year.

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1943HiringWomen.pdf (137 KB)

If you're hiring women and it's 1943, this is the guide for you!
This was kind of a random thing Mary here in the office handed to me, reprinted in Savvy & Sage magazine in 2007. These looks back on ourselves are always such a trip. The weirdest thing for me? Besides the obvious sexism here, there were a few personality traits attributed to woman where I was saying, "Hey, I do that!". I'm not exactly sure what that means. And I'll leave it to you to guess which items I thus resonated with...

Posted via email from Lam's posterous

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Opera Unite

I'm blogging this stuff so I don't lose it or forget it.
This seems neat. A lot of over-my-head neat, but neat nonetheless.

Posted via web from Lam's posterous a YouTube Channel linked from my GMail: citizen empowerment, believing in the power of Internet to make things better here on earth.
Posted this vid as the instructions for getting to the blocked video of protests in Iran.

This came after a morning staff prayer time at our church, where we watched a video of work to get Refugees out of a camp in the Middle East. There is much to see in this world, lots of injustice. So it also seems providential to have stumbled across this quote this morning:
“If I look at the mass, I will never act. If I look at the one, I will.” Mother Teresa

Posted via web from Lam's posterous