Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Book (p)Review / judging a book by its cover - “Conversion Narratives” about Gender « Prof. John Stackhouse's blog

I've long had the idea to post Book (p)Reviews, indeed judging books by their covers (more accurately, their covers, titles, subtitles and perhaps the blurb on the back cover or from
This seems like a good place to start.

I haven't read this book yet.
Haven't got to my local bookstore to get it, and even if I were there I'm not sure I could afford it.
That said, the premise fascinates me: prominent evangelical leaders' personal "conversion narratives" on women in leadership.
And I love the title Dr. Stackhouse uses to introduce the book.
The fact that Prominent Evangelicals have Conversion in their Narratives, that alone is a lesson. So many Evangelicals seem so unteachable, it's comforting to know that we can (and likely should) still be converted, especially on a topic that's been so itchy in church history.

A note on how I hope Book (p)Reviews will work: if it shows up as a Book (p)Review, it means a thumbs-up. I like this.
It's me saying "this seems like a good idea at the time".
At this point I think just doing the ones I like will keep me pretty busy.
And there's way too much bashing on the Internet.

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